Hexagon Tetris
I recreated classic Tetris on a hexagonal grid, only altering mechanics when the change emerged as a fundamental consequence of the hex grid, leaving the rest as similar to the orignal as possible.
- Written in: Java
- Development period: Sporadic development over a period of 6 days
- Team size: Solo Project
- Source repository
Coding a version of Tetris that uses a hexagonal grid had many interesting logical challenges. How are tiles on the hexagrid accessed? It can't be a regular 2D array like with squares, so I had to wrap it in an abstraction layer. Computing the rotations (since manually entering in every one would be a drag because of the larger amount of pieces and rotations per piece compared to regular Tetris) required applying a change of basis.
This page is WIP. Explanations of how I actually made the thing with relevant code snippets will be added soon. The full source code is already available to check out.